In this article, we are going to guide you about Best Wii Racing Games Nintendo All Good Top list Cars For Toddlers – Like Mario kart which is very helpful for you.
- 1 Top 15 Best Nintendo Wii Racing Games:
- 1.1 1. Earache Extreme Metal Wii
- 1.2 2. Cruis’n Blast World Game
- 1.3 3. Nitro Bike
- 1.4 4. OffRoad Games
- 1.5 5. Donkey Kong Jet Race WII
- 1.6 6. Wheelspin Game
- 1.7 7. Disney Presents A PIXAR Film Cars
- 1.8 8. Need For Speed ProStreet PSP
- 1.9 9. Need For Speed Nitro
- 1.10 10. Need For Speed The Run
- 1.11 11. Need For Speed Carbon
- 1.12 12. Excite Truck: Wii
- 1.13 13. Speed Racer Wii Game
- 1.14 14. Ferrari Challenge
- 1.15 15. Formula 1 2009
Top 15 Best Nintendo Wii Racing Games:
1. Earache Extreme Metal Wii
Licensed video games aren’t great at the best of times, but when that license is a record label the alarm bells really start ringing. Earache Extreme Wii Metal Wii Racing Games might not certainly be a permitted video game, but Earache is, in fact, a record label for the more extreme end of the rock music genre.
However, without a movie or TV show to work with, this licensed video game has nothing but the music itself. You can guess how well it’s turned out.
Playing Earache is painful; more painful than listening to the likes of Mortiis, Decapitated and the other ‘bands’ featured in the game. The ‘Extreme’ part of the racing comes in the form of weapons mounted to each band’s vehicle, which can be used to batter opponents as you race around nasty courses.
These courses have to be nasty as Mortiis and the rest of them wouldn’t be seen dead racing around Brands Hatch or Silverstone, and the racing just wouldn’t be extreme enough if the courses weren’t based in Hell or in graveyards – that’s seriously extreme.
2. Cruis’n Blast World Game
Midway is a strange beast. Last year the publisher released the brilliant Stranglehold and Unreal Tournament 3 but also released the near-diabolical Hour of Victory and severely disappointing Blacksite. Starting 2008 off with the same need for flexibility, the February announcement record holds the superb PS3 version of UT3 and Cruis’n on the Wii – without doubt one.
The Cruis’n group relished considerable victory back on the Nintendo 64. The games were faraway from excellent, but they presented a decent level of entertainment when the arcade racer was starting to be edged out by sims like Gran Turismo.
Cruis’n is, in fact, a port of the 2004 Midway arcade game Fast and the Furious, but seeing as Midway no longer owns the license it’s been renamed. Fans of the arcade game might be pleased to hear that that’s pretty much the only significant change that’s been made, but anyone expecting a proper Cruis’n game developed for the Wii will be severely disappointed.
To tell Cruis’n resembles the poor would be the underestimate of the year.
3. Nitro Bike
We are of the view here at that the Wii’s software library is ruled by shoddy games. We certainly believe the console is capable of great things, but most developers just don’t seem to want to release good games on it.
Let’s take the Nitro bike as an example. The Ubisoft published extreme motorbike game from Excite Bike developers Left Field, in theory, should be good. But it’s just not. In fact, it’s one of the worst examples of shoddy production values the Wii has seen.
What hits you initially is the most N64 quality front-end. The menus look awful and the load times are shocking for something so basic. And it just gets worse from here on. As you pull away from the starting line, boosting along with the other nine racers, the game chugs along at a frame rate I haven’t experienced since playing GoldenEye multiplayer many years ago.
It’s shocking stuff, and not what the Wii needs if it’s ever going to convince people that it’s more than a machine for Nintendo software.
4. OffRoad Games
With such a simple name, you’d think that Off-Road would do exactly what it says on the tin, but shelve those desires to careen carefree off the track and out into a wonderful open-world racer because, sadly, it isn’t quite so.
Off-Road, crucially, does not allow you to go off-road. OK, technically, you’re not on a road, to begin with, just a series of 24 tracks over three environments split into the desert, water, and ice.
There certainly aren’t any traffic wardens or cycle lanes, but just try straying from the designated route for a second and you’ll quickly hit an invisible wall, discovering that this game goes about as far off the tracks as your average monorail.
5. Donkey Kong Jet Race WII
Some games enunciate so terribly crazy that you’re sure they’re going to be damn good fun to play. Donkey Kong Jet Race notices a load of monkeys and reptiles racing jets in a Mario Kart fashion.
You attach in the fact that these jets are remarkably just bongoed drums and that this is a first-party game from Nintendo, and you’d put down good money that the Wii had the perfect game to tide us over until Mario Kart Wii arrives later in the year. What a foolish bet that would have been.
Jet Race (or Barrel Blast) as it’s known elsewhere, is sadly another sub-par character-based racer. It began in life as a GameCube game that would make utilize of the fun GameCube bongo controller.
With the GameCube soon terminated and everyone and their cat-loving motion-controlled shenanigans granted by the Wii, someone at Nintendo created to change the game to the Wii.
6. Wheelspin Game
Something has gone wrong. Wires have been crossed, ideas have been lost in translation, and game design has been swallowed up in miscommunication. Whatever the truth, something has gone horribly wrong.
Someplace along the path, someone, and it may not even have been games saga and Wheelspin designer Archer Maclean, presumed this was a good game. No, not even good – playable. Someone imagined Wheelspin was playable rather than supported being published.
Wheelspin is a sci-fi collonade racer for the Wii. In it, you ride around loopy trails at quick speeds in futuristic cars, hitting boosts when you can and unlocking new tracks on a pyramid grid. It is offensive. Why?
7. Disney Presents A PIXAR Film Cars
Pixar doesn’t go wrong with their children’s movies, but the video game adaptations of said movies are rarely anything to get excited about. Surprisingly sufficient, Cars hasn’t been as consistently praised as previous Pixar movies, but the game is one of the best movie-licensed products in some time.
Cars the video game pursues on from the movie and is set in the same entertainment world where cars talk and interact as if they were people.
While obviously targeted at a young audience, players of all ages will like the free-roaming gameplay and plethora of fun mini-games, even if a few problems with the actual racing prevent it from being the game it should have been.
You are set within the village of Radiator Springs, you predominantly play as Lightning, the race car from the movie, once again voiced astonishingly well by Owen Wilson.
The free-roaming area of the town and a fairly large surrounding area is basically a hub for accessing races and mini-games, but you’ll also need to spend time driving around collecting various items.
Races that take place within the free-roaming area feature numerous fences and the like, designed to keep you within a certain boundary, while the more serious races take part in proper circuits.
8. Need For Speed ProStreet PSP
Need for Speed ProStreet is one of the more eccentric high-profile announcements of the year. Given the Need for Speed series’ records, as action-packed, police pursuit-filled, illegal street racing dramatic, EA’s choice to focus on legal street racing in semi-realistic marketing cars is hard to think.
Multiple of the group’s trademark characteristics return, but whereas previous games have been a great pleasure and easy to get into, ProStreet has positioned itself awkwardly near the Forza end of the racing genre scale – not specifically what Need for Speed fans will be anticipating.
9. Need For Speed Nitro
The front cover of Need for Speed: Nitro boastfully demands that it’s the first Need for Speed custom-built for the Wii. It seems like something meriting to making some noise about, with Wii owners until this point having to suffer poor ports of a mixed bunch of NFS titles.
A game built around the Wii’s strengths and its fans should, in theory anyway, present an altogether better racing experience for the console’s millions of owners. And yes, Nitro is better than the ports the console has had in the past, but it’s still not a racer that many gamers will get too enthusiastic about.
10. Need For Speed The Run
Rockets are being fired into the snow-covered peaks of the Rocky Mountains, causing a series of avalanches as I attempt to maneuver my incredibly expensive supercar down a snaking downhill road. Chunks of ice crash onto the track reducing visibility, followed by large boulders that block portions of the path and cause me to swerve violently from side to side.
The Run’s adrenaline-fueled soundtrack could well make walking a puppy seem like high-octane extreme entertainment, but here it fits, raising my heart rate until near breaking point before I just about control to embed a tunnel as the rampaging snow swallows up everything on the mountain behind me.
11. Need For Speed Carbon
EA hit harmony with speed hounds in 2003 with the street racing achievement Need for Speed Underground. Generally, strong sales brought us a sequel, a handful of shoddy replicas (SRS and Juiced come to mind), and eventually the release of last year’s solid Most Wanted, which launched alongside the 360.
So after one year, EA has drawn back the street racing franchise with Need for Speed Carbon, a direct sequel to Most Wanted featuring the same over-the-top FMV sequences, intense police chases, and a heavy emphasis on speed and customization.
With EA being a strong supporter of the Wii, it’s no surprise that a version of the game was also launched alongside the system, but is it more than a quick port?
12. Excite Truck: Wii
The problem with Excite Truck is that it looks like it can be played by anyone when in reality your average Joe will be in a constant battle to keep their truck under control.
Give someone the Wii mote and tell them to tilt it to steer their on-screen truck and they’ll be waving their arms around like a mad person, which isn’t really the best way to play Nintendo’s latest racer. What we have here is an altogether more careful control project covered up in a game that looks anything but.
13. Speed Racer Wii Game
You might have noticed that this review looks slightly different from other reviews on That is because we see games clearly devised for younger gamers in a slightly various way from other games.
We’ll endeavor to tell you just what you need to know in a clear and concise way so you’ll be confident it’s the right purchase for whatever your situation.
14. Ferrari Challenge
Do you dream of driving a Ferrari? Do you watch Top Gear with envy as Jeremy Clarkson takes Ferrari after Ferrari onto the test track at obscenely high speeds? Do you idolize Michael Schumacher and pretend you’re actually Italian?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, chances are you’ll find a lot to enjoy in System 3’s Ferrari Challenge for PlayStation 3. Although not as visually spectacular as GT5: Prologue or as deep and exciting as Microsoft’s Forza 2, Ferrari Challenge is a very competent racer with a clear focus: Ferraris.
15. Formula 1 2009
Racing simulations do not look like a perfect fit for Nintendo’s Wii. The audience appears to be more casual in its tastes and the console’s lack of horsepower sometimes results in games seriously lacking detail compared to the likes of Forza 3 and Gran Turismo 5. So, F1 2009, the only F1 game to succeed on a home console this year, is remarkable.
If Codemasters’ conclusion to utilize the Wii as the platform for its debut F1-licensed game isn’t remarkable enough for you, the fact that it’s good should be.